Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mobile Computing Platforms

As many of you know, the Palm OS was my platform of choice for a number of years. Only after it languished unattended for an extended period of time, both in software and especially in hardware, did I consider alternatives, ultimately migrating to the Widows Mobile OS.

While I am still satisfied with WM 6.5, the hardware running it, and the software available for it, I am somewhat less than enthused with the direction of WM 7. In fact, it appears to quite closely resemble the older Palm OS in many ways, which is not such a bad thing, but is rather ironic.

I recently had the opportunity to acquire an iPod Touch (32GB 3G).

I have not yet found satistactory alternatives for all the applications; however, it does make me seriously consider the iPhone (4G) should I decide to re-converge (again).

I certainly will be updating the iPod Touch to iOS 4.

For a great many reasons I will not consider an Android device at this time.

I am currently again carrying two devices (AT&T/HTC Tilt2 & iPod Touch) and investigating the available software repositories for iPod-compatible alternatives to: Pocket Quicken; eWallet; ListPro; MobiPocket Reader. I believe that at least some of these have versions available, I have just not yet looked for them specifically.

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